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SAP MM E2E Process Flow Diagram

SAP MM E2E Process Flowchart Diagram

Picture Description

This flowchart represents a business process in the MM (Materials Management, a.k.a P2P) module of SAP ERP, detailing the procurement process including requisition, purchase order creation, invoice posting, and payment. Below is a detailed description of each step as mapped in the flowchart:

  1. Requisition Creation: The process begins with the creation of requisitions for purchasing raw materials or other goods needed for production. This is initiated by purchasing agents.
  2. Supply Source Assignment: Vendors and Info-records are referenced to assign the appropriate supply source for the requisition.
  3. Vendor Assignment to RFQ (Request for Quotation): Once a vendor is selected based on predefined criteria and conditions such as price simulations, the requisition is sent out as an RFQ.
  4. Conversion to Purchase Order (ME21N):
    • The RFQ is converted into a formal purchase order using transaction code ME21N.
    • The purchasing organization is involved ensuring the terms and conditions are met.
  5. Purchase Order Creation: The purchase order is officially created and includes details such as material types, valuation methods, and pricing conditions.
  6. Material Invoicing: Goods are received, and material invoicing occurs, ensuring that the terms of the purchase order align with the goods received.
  7. Invoice Posting (MIRO):
    • The invoice is posted into the system, and automatic checks validate against the purchase order and goods receipt.
    • For any discrepancies in amounts (such as those over a certain threshold), additional validation and approvals are required.
  8. Payment Processing (F-58):
    • Payments are processed via a specified method and posted using transaction code F-58.
    • This step also involves defining the necessary payment references in advance.
  9. Payment Posting: The transaction is considered complete when the payment is successfully posted, finalizing the procurement cycle.

Additional notes in the chart detail specific configurations:

  • Material Configuration: Involves defining material types, valuation methods, and tolerance limits.
  • Company Code Configuration: Ensures proper financial transactions can occur through maintaining necessary codes for activities like invoice and payment posting.
  • Tax Code Definitions: Specifies default tax percentages for applicable taxes.

This flowchart serves as comprehensive guide for the MM process in SAP, from initial requisition through to payment, ensuring consistency and accuracy across the procurement process workflow.

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