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SAP PM Maintenance Process Flow

SAP PM Maintenance Process Flow

Picture Description

the flowchart depicts the SAP PM (Plant Maintenance) maintenance process flow. This illustrates the series of steps taken in SAP for managing maintenance activities using various SAP Fiori applications. Here’s a detailed description of each step:

  1. Maintenance Notification 📝: The process begins with a field worker sending a maintenance notification using SAP Fiori APP ID: IW21.
  2. Notification Approval : The notification is then sent for approval through a workflow to the manager, and upon approval by the maintenance person, may involve a custom process or SAP Fiori APP ID: IW22.
  3. Creation of PM Order 🛠️: The maintenance team receives the notification and initiates action through Fiori APP ID: IW31.
  4. Maintenance Planning 📊: Maintenance planning commences with considerations for materials required and resource planning. This can be facilitated by Fiori APP IDs: IW31 and IW32.
  5. Goods Issue 📦: Required goods are issued from stores, a step managed through Fiori APP ID: MIGO_GI.
  6. Maintenance Job Execution 🔧: The actual maintenance job is performed and upon completion, it is confirmed using Fiori APP IDs: IW41 and IW42.
  7. Handover 🤝: Once the maintenance job is finished, the equipment is handed back over to the site team.
  8. Cost Controlling (FI-CO) 💸: The cost incurred for the maintenance is settled to the respective cost center using Fiori APP ID: KO88.
  9. Management Reporting 📈: Finally, dashboards or reports for senior management review are generated, which can be accessed through Fiori APP IDs: IW38, F2828, and W0018.

The flowchart provides a clear visualization of the maintenance management cycle within an organization, leveraging SAP PM module functionalities to ensure a structured and controlled approach to maintaining equipment.

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