The Ultimate Resource for SAP ERP Flowcharts, Diagrams, and Cheat Sheets.

Picture Description

The picture, prepared by Vignesh Veerasamy, provides an informational diagram of various SAP Production Planning (PP) tables grouped into categories. It’s laid out to quickly identify and relate different types of data within the SAP PP module under:

  • Master Data: Contains foundational data like material master records (MARA, MARC), document information (DRAW), and work center headers (CRHD).
  • BoM Bill of Material: Lists tables for Bill of Materials at both the header (STKO) and item level (STPO), as well as item selection (STAS) and item allocation (PLMZ).
  • Routing: Includes tables for task allocation (MAPL), task lists (PLAS), task headers (PLKO), task list operations (PLPO), logs of task list (PLPR), and sequences (PLFL).
  • Production Order: Focuses on production orders, including their headers (AUFK), items (AFPO), goods movement (AUFM), and components (RESB).
  • Consumption/Confirmation: Details tables related to the consumption and confirmation of orders, including operations (AFVC), quantity dates/values (AFVV), user fields in operations (AFVU), and order completion (AFRU).
  • General: Encompasses general PP tables for capacity planning (KAPK), capacity records (KBED), kanban identification (PKPS), kanban headers (PKHD), and kanban containers (PKER), as well as reservations (RESB).
  • MRP (Material Requirements Planning): Contains tables for the material index (MAPR), forecast planning (PROP), MRP area forecast (DBPR), and planned orders (PLAF).
  • Status/Others: Features tables for user status (JEST), work breakdown structure information (PRPS), user status codes (TJ30), and process control user status (TJ31).

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