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Picture Description

The diagram depicts a layered approach, showing how foundational master data elements (yellow) drive the operational processes (green) in SAP Plant Maintenance module. It’s crucial to understand that the process flow starts with creation and maintenance of master data (yellow boxes) the key building blocks for all PM activities. Then it shows the process flow from notification to completion of a maintenance activity.

PM Master Data Objects (Yellow Boxes):

These are the static, foundational elements that provide the structure and information for the maintenance processes:

Master Data Object Interactions Key Insight
Functional Locations (FL) Connect to Work Centers, Class system, Counters, Documents, and Equipment. Related to Functional Location Task Lists. Functional Locations provide the “where.” They help structure maintenance activities based on the physical plant.
Equipment Assigned to Functional Locations or PRTs. Has a dedicated BOM, Task list. Connects to documents, and PRTs. Equipment is the “what” and can inherit properties and activities from the FL.
PRTs (Production Resources/Tools) Assigned to Equipment and have a link to task lists. They are important for resource planning and cost allocation, often not physical or a fixed asset.
Functional Location Task Lists & Equipment Task Lists & General Task Lists Task lists are related to maintenance items, maintenance plans. These lists define the tasks to be carried out on equipment or Functional locations.
BOMs (Bill of Materials) BOM is linked to Material / Spare parts and also tied to equipment. This is essential for planning materials and spare parts required for maintenance.
Materials/Spare Parts Used in BOMs, material reservation during work orders. Correct material master data is essential for accurate planning and procurement.
Work Centers Connected to HR Personnel Assignment and Activity Types. Linked to the Functional Location for maintenance execution Defines the resource pool responsible for specific maintenance activities.
Activity Types Linked to Work Centers. Helps in tracking costs and utilization of resources.
Characteristics & Classes Tied to counters and measuring points, it enables additional analytics. These are used to add more structured data and analytics.
Counters and Measuring Points Tied to Measurement Documents. This is mainly used in planned maintenance.
Documents Tied to Assemblies, Materials, Functional Location and Equipment. These are useful for reference and recording information.
Assemblies Tied to Documents and Materials. Assemblies can be part of BOMs. A way to represent a set of components as one unit.
Maintenance Items, Maintenance Plans, Packages, Strategies Maintenance Items inherit from task lists and are related to Maintenance plans. Maintenance plans can be built from Packages or Strategies. This represents the planned process via preventative and planned maintenance.

Business Process Key Transactions (Green Boxes):

These are the dynamic elements representing the steps of the maintenance process:

Business Process Interactions Key Insight
Notifications Drives the creation of a Work Order after MP Monitoring. The start of the maintenance request process.
Work Orders Linked to Material Reservations, Work Scheduling, Purchase Requisitions, Notification. Manages all aspects of the execution of a job.
Planning & Scheduling (Capacity/Resource Scheduling) Part of WO processing and tied to the Work Center Allocates personnel and equipment and can be improved through maintenance planning.
Material Reservations Created from work order and linked to materials. Ensures materials are available for the job.
Purchase Requisitions & Purchase Orders Generated from a work order if needed. Allows the process to move forward with required materials.
Goods Issue & Goods Receipt Linked with material reservations, work order processing and purchase orders. Crucial for material and inventory tracking.
Work Order Confirmation Updated during technical completion of WO. Basis for tracking the time spent on maintenance, and costs of PM executions.
MP Monitoring Trigger point for the notifications process. Basis for determining if a maintenance plan is running correctly.
Work Order Settlement/Close & Invoice Processing Links to invoice process which ties to goods receipt. Records all costs for maintenance and closes the maintenance loop.

As an SAP EAM/PM consultant, this overview allows you to understand the key master data dependencies and process flows, providing a starting point for deep dive workshops and requirement discussions based on client specific needs. It highlights that a well-structured master data is the backbone of a smooth and efficient maintenance operation.

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