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The flowchart illustrates the intra-company stock transfer process in SAP MM (Materials Management), specifically focusing on stock transfer via outbound delivery using a Stock Transport Order (STO).

Here’s a breakdown of the process:

🏭 Receiving Plant Actions:

  • Create UB PO (ME21N): The process begins with creating a Stock Transport Order (STO) using document type UB at the receiving plant. This document type is used for transporting material between plants within the same or different company codes.
  • Post Goods Receipt: After the stock is in transit, the receiving plant posts a goods receipt using transaction code MIGO with movement type 101.
  • Invoice Processing: Following the goods receipt, an invoice for logistic costs is processed.

🏭 Issuing Plant Actions:

  • Outbound Delivery (VL10G, VL02N): Upon receiving the STO (UB document), the issuing plant creates an outbound delivery.
  • Transfer Posting: The issuing plant then performs a transfer posting (goods issue) using transaction code VL02N with movement type 641 or 647.
  • Good Issue Slip: A goods issue slip is generated as part of this process.

🔄 Stock in Transit (MB5T):

  • Between the transfer posting at the issuing plant and the goods receipt at the receiving plant, the stock is considered “in transit”.

The flowchart presents two slightly different scenarios:

  1. Using movement type 641 (Transfer Posting: Plant to Plant) which is known as two step procedure. In this scenario the stock update takes place in both plants at a time.
  2. Using movement type 647 (Transfer Posting to Stock in Transit) which is also known as one step procedure. No goods receipt (MIGO) is required when goods arrive in receiving plant.
Scenario PTP OTC
Intra-company STO In two steps Purchase Order type:
·UB Stock transport ord., with “U” item category
·NB Standard PO, with “blank” item category
Movement Type:
·641 by posting the GI via VL02N
·101 by posting the GR via MIGO
Delivery type: NL
Delivery item category: NLN
Billing relevance: Not relevant
Intra-company STO in One Step Purchase Order type:
·UB Stock transport ord., with “U” item category
·NB Standard PO, with “blank” item category
Movement Type:
·647 and 101 are triggering by posting the GI via VL02N Tcode.
Delivery type: NL
Delivery item category: NLN
Billing relevance: Not relevant

📚 Related Document and Video Tutorial Resources:

This process showcases how SAP handles intra-company stock transfers, utilizing the UB document type for Stock Transport Orders, which is distinct from the NB document type used for external vendor procurement.

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