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This flowchart details a typical Work Clearance Management (WCM) process in SAP and can be grouped into four main phases for simplification:

  1. Initiation and Planning:
    • Starts with the notification and creation of an order.
    • Followed by the creation of a work approval and the necessary work clearance application and documentation, such as isolation lists.
  2. Permit Review and Approval:
    • Involves reviewing the permit to decide whether it can be used; if not, it’s rejected and the order may be rescheduled.
    • If there is a change in the isolation list, adjustments are made, and then the work approval is either approved or reset for reevaluation.
    • The safety department is involved in approving the permit for execution.
  3. Permit Execution:
    • Once approved, the permit is printed, tagged, and its isolation list is verified.
    • The job can then be executed, including any trial runs, and permit acceptance by Maintenance.
    • If an extension or closure of the permit is required, this is also managed in this phase.
  4. Completion and Closure:
    • After execution, if there are no pending tasks and the trial run is successful, the work order status is set to WOCO (Work Order Completion) or TECO (Technical Completion).
    • Any temporary tags are removed, and all related WCM (Work Clearance Management) objects are closed if needed.

This structured approach ensures that each phase of work is properly planned, approved, executed, and closed with safety and compliance at the forefront.

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