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Reactivation of Material Master Process Flowchart in SAP MM

SAP Material Master Record Reactivation Process

Picture Description

This flowchart depicts the process of reactivating material master records that were previously marked for deletion in SAP. It starts with a user identifying the need to reactivate a material and culminates in the reactivation of the material master record by the Material Master Data Controller (MMDC), making it available for use in SAP transactions. The process involves justification, approval, and system updates to ensure proper control and traceability.

What is Material Master Record Reactivation Process in SAP: The process of removing the “flag for deletion” from a material master record in SAP, enabling it for use in procurement, inventory management, and other SAP transactions.

Following is the process step descriptions illustrated in the flowchart:

  1. Identifies the Requirement for Re-activation of Material ‘Flagged for Deletion’ (End User): The process begins when an end-user identifies the need to reactivate a material that has been flagged for deletion. This may occur when raising a Purchase Requisition, generating a Purchase Order, or recording the receipt of material.
  2. Sends the Request for Re-activation to GM M&L (End User): The end-user submits a request to GM M&L justifying the need to reactivate the flagged material master record.
  3. Assesses the Requirement for Re-activation (GM M&L): GM M&L evaluates the justification provided in the request for reactivation.
  4. Re-activation Allowed? (GM M&L): GM M&L determines whether the reactivation is appropriate based on their assessment of the provided justification. This is a decision point in the process.
  5. Rejects and Returns the Request (GM M&L): If the reactivation is not approved, GM M&L rejects the request and informs the end-user.
  6. Removes the ‘Flag for Deletion’ from the Requested Item/s (Master Data Controller): If GM M&L approves the request, the Material Master Data Controller (MMDC) removes the “flag for deletion” from the material master record in SAP using a material maintenance transaction code MM06.
  7. Material Master Record and Change History are Updated (Master Data Controller): As the change is saved in SAP, the database is updated, and the change history is logged, ensuring traceability.
  8. Notifies GM M&L about the Completion of Activity (Master Data Controller): The Material Master Data Controller (MMDC) notifies GM M&L that the material master record has been successfully reactivated.

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