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The flowchart illustrates the different scenarios for cancelling an inbound delivery in SAP Extended Warehouse Management (EWM), focusing on both entire and partial inbound cancellations. The process is crucial for correcting errors, or adjusting quantities during the goods receipt process. As highlighted in the provided text, the cancellation process varies depending on several factors including whether a Goods Receipt (GR) has been posted, if a Warehouse Task (WT) has been created and if the WT is confirmed, or not. This flowchart focuses primarily on the cancellation of the entire inbound delivery. Partial inbound cancellation and the process for that is also mentioned in the text as well.

The flowchart presents three specific cases (Case 1, Case 2, and Case 3) for canceling an entire inbound delivery in EWM. Each case is broken down into steps occurring in EWM and steps in SAP S/4HANA to clarify the actions occurring across the two interconnected systems.

Here’s a detailed breakdown focusing only on Case 3: Cancelling After WT Creation (WT Not Confirmed) based on the flowchart and the provided document:

  • EWM Steps:
    • Cancel WT (/SCWM/MON): Any open warehouse task (WT) associated with the inbound delivery is cancelled. This is a manual step.
    • Reverse Goods Receipt (/SCWM/PRDI): The goods receipt is reversed. This is a manual step.
    • Reject Inbound Delivery (/SCWM/PRDI): The inbound delivery is rejected. This is a manual step.
  • S/4 Steps:
    • Reverse Material Document: A material document reversal is triggered in S/4.
    • Update Inbound Delivery: The inbound delivery in S/4 is updated automatically to reflect the cancelled state.

This focused description should provide a comprehensive analysis of Case 3 from the flowchart, and incorporate the context from the provided text, especially in the intro section of the description as per instructions and the updated changes.

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