The Ultimate Resource for SAP ERP Flowcharts, Diagrams, and Cheat Sheets.

Picture Description

The flowchart depicts an outbound delivery process involving data exchange between two SAP systems, S/4HANA and EWM (Extended Warehouse Management). It is organized with S/4HANA processes on the left and EWM processes on the right. The flow progresses from top to bottom within each system, transferring from the S/4HANA box to the EWM box and finally back to update S/4HANA.

S/4HANA Side Process Steps

  1. Sales Order Creation (VA01): The process begins with creating a sales order in S/4HANA, represented by a rectangle labeled “Sales Order (VA01)”.
  2. Outbound Delivery Creation (VL01N): Following the sales order creation is the creation of an outbound delivery via a rectangle labeled “Outbound Delivery (VL01N)”. There is an arrow connecting the “Sales Order” rectangle to the “Outbound Delivery” rectangle, displaying the process flow.

EWM Side Process Steps

  1. Outbound Delivery Order (/N/SCWM/PRDO): The process in the EWM system is kicked off with the creation or receipt of an “Outbound Delivery Order,” represented by a rectangle. The arrow leads from the “Outbound Delivery (VL01N)” rectangle in S/4HANA over to the “Outbound Delivery Order” rectangle in EWM.
  2. Auto Wave Creation (PPF Actions): Automated wave creation comes next, indicated in a rectangle labeled “Auto Wave Creation (PPF Actions)”, with an arrow coming from the “Outbound Delivery Order” step. This step groups outbound deliveries based on predetermined criteria.
  3. Auto Wave Release (PPF Actions): A rectangle labeled “Auto Wave Release (PPF Actions)” follows, with an arrow from “Auto Wave Creation” indicating this step automatically releases the waves.
  4. WO creation (WOCR): A rectangle labeled “WO creation” then takes us to order creation with an arrow coming from the released wave step.
  5. Auto Pick HU and WT creation (POSC): Next is a rectangle labelled “Auto Pick HU and WT creation (POSC)”, with an arrow coming from the order creation step and connecting into it. The steps within this process are driven based on the POSC config and also feed back into WOCR.
  6. Packing (/N/SCWM/PACK): The picking process results in a move to the packing step via a rectangle including the T code.
  7. Staging & Loading (POSC): This rectangle contains the words “Staging & Loading” and the acronym “POSC”, this shows that this is the next step for the items in the workflow.
  8. Goods Issue (/N/SCWM/PRDO): A rectangle labeled “Goods Issue” follows “Staging & Loading”.
  9. Outbound Delivery (/N/SCWM/FD): A rectangle labelled “Outbound Delivery” with a T code indicates the second to final step in EWM. The process updates goods issue by linking it to the “Outbound Delivery (VL01N)” in S/4HANA.

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