The Ultimate Resource for SAP ERP Flowcharts, Diagrams, and Cheat Sheets.

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This flowchart, created by , depicts the key steps involved in an assembly processing scenario within SAP ERP, encompassing various modules like Sales & Distribution (SD), Project System (PS), Materials Management (MM), Production Planning (PP), and Finance (FI). It illustrates the flow from sales quotation to project billing and highlights the integration between different SAP modules.

The diagram is organized into a top-to-bottom flow with interconnected processes that indicate the sequence of actions. Key processes in each segment are identified with their corresponding SAP transaction codes (e.g., VA01, MM01).

Here is a description of the individual steps with focus on general process description:

1. Initial Setup and Master Data:

  • MM01 (Service Material creation): Defines a service material within SAP, which acts as a key component, representing an activity, when project-based services are required. This material is not inventory-managed.
  • CN01 (Standard Network):  Creates a network template for project activities, encompassing operations, their durations, and relationships.
  • CJ91 (Standard Work Breakdown Structure – WBS): Defines a template for the WBS, which serves as the framework to organize all tasks of the project.

2. Sales Order Creation:

  • VA01 (Create Sales Quotation): Starts the customer interaction process with the creation of a document detailing costs and pricing.
  • VA01 (Create Sales Order): Creates a confirmed sales order which indicates the agreement of service between the client and the company.

3. Project Setup and Planning:

  • CN08 (Mapping of Service Material with Std. Network): Links the service material to the standard network, establishing a standardized process configuration for costing.
  • CJ20N (Project with WBS elements and Network): Creates a specific project based on a template, including modifications for a customized structure, which will be tracked until completion.

4. Project Execution:

  • CAT2/CN25 (Internal Staff/Labor Time Booking or Activity Confirmation): Records the time and labor spent on specific project activities.
  • ME21N (Service Order Creation): Creates service orders, based on project requirements, to allow execution of internal/external activities.
  • ML81N (Service Confirmation): Confirms the actual services rendered by external or internal parties.
  • ME41 (Request for Quotation – RFQ – for externally procured material): Initiates price requests from external suppliers to acquire necessary materials.
  • ME51N (Purchase Requisition): * Process Description: Converts RFQ into a purchase requisition.
  • ME21N (Purchase Order): Establishes a binding order with an external supplier which specifies quantity, delivery time and values.
  • MIGO (Goods Receipt): Records the arrival of purchased goods.
  • MD51 (MRP – Material Requirement Planning) Run for Projects: This part is responsible for creating the planned orders based on the material needs for the project.

5. Inventory and Production:

  • VL02N (Goods Issue): Issues materials from inventory to be allocated to the ongoing project activities.
  • C001/C015/MD16 (Process/Production Order Processing): Creates a production order to cover the end process of the service and consumption of material used.

6. Cost Tracking:

  • CJ13 (Project Actual Spend): Summarizes all project costs incurred during the execution process, collected in Finance module.

7. Project Billing (Bottom):

  • CJ2ON (Release of Project Billing Milestone): Sets the project billing milestone for invoicing.
  • VF01 (Create Sales Invoice): Generates the invoice to bill the customer based on project costs and services.

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