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Work Permit Process Flowchart in SAP PM (without LOTO)

Work Permit Process Flow (wo LOTO) in SAP PM

Picture Description

This flowchart illustrates the work permit process flow in SAP Plant Maintenance (PM) without Lockout/Tagout (LOTO). The steps ensure that maintenance work is performed safely and in compliance with organizational procedures.

  1. Maintenance Order 📝: The process begins with a maintenance order that requires a work permit.
  2. Raise Permit Request from Work Order (Maintenance Executor) 🚀: The maintenance executor raises a permit request based on the work order.
  3. Approve Permit (Permit Approver) ✔️: The permit request is reviewed and approved by the permit approver.
  4. Issue Permit (Permit Issuer) 📜: Once approved, the permit issuer issues the work permit to the maintenance executor.
  5. Execute Maintenance Work (Maintenance Executor) 🛠️: The maintenance executor carries out the maintenance work as per the issued permit.
  6. Permit Extension Required? 🔄: After the initial permit period, it is determined whether an extension is required for the maintenance work.
  7. Request for Extension (Maintenance Executor) : If an extension is required, the maintenance executor requests a permit extension. The extension request process mirrors the initial approval steps.
  8. Return and Close Permit (Maintenance Executor) 🔒: If no extension is needed, or after the extended period, the permit is returned and closed by the maintenance executor.
  9. Confirm Work Order (Maintenance Executor) : The maintenance executor confirms the completion of the work order.
  10. Technically Complete Work Order and Close Notification (Maintenance Executor) 📂: The maintenance order is technically completed and the notification is closed by the maintenance executor, signaling the end of the maintenance process.

This process ensures that all maintenance activities are conducted under proper authorization and oversight, maintaining safety and compliance throughout the work execution.

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